I Am King Of India

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

Never Stop Me Now In This World

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

Programming Master Mind Coder

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.


Master Coder

Hacking News , Cyber Crime , Ethical Hacking , CCNA, Seo , Google Adsense , Web Development ,

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World No. 1 Best Professional Flash Web Designer And Search Engine Optimization(SEO) In India | Rajasthan | Sriganganagar | Sonu Saini +919782533298Sonu Saini    Certified complete web solution company in India offers SEO services i.e. Google SEO, web SEO, Search engine Marketing, web design includes flash website design, HTML page design, web development includes CMS, shopping cart website, email marketing. We also offer outsourcing services to other countries.

Post By Sonu Saini +919782533298

Google Release New Must See SEO Videos To Help Your Blog On Google Search



Google Release New Must See SEO Videos To Help Your Blog On Google Search

Google Search SEO LogoYou know when I started Blogging like all new Bloggers I immediately wondered how will I get my blog on Google.How can I get my Blog and posts to be displayed in search results and have visitors sent by Google.Once I started to learn about how Google works and the steps I could take to help my blogs rank on Google I somehow felt like I was in a way 'Fooling Google'.By optimizing my site I was for the want of a better word 'Tricking' Google into displaying my content in their results.

But the truth is Google want to crawl your content, Google want your content to be easy to crawl, They want your site optimized and if your content is unique and useful they want to rank it on the first page of their results for related searches.

It seems a lot of posts I have published recently especially guest posts have been on the topic of Search Engine Optimization; and many new Bloggers think SEO is somehow a shady thing.But Google through sources like webmaster tools openly promote the use of SEO and Google employees like Matt Cutts Posts on his blog through Q&A videos helps webmasters and bloggers improve their sites for search.

So in this post I have added 10 videos the Google search quality team created this week to help beginners get their sites and blogs on Google.These videos are listed in a 'Step By Step' format and I highly recommend everyone from beginners to experienced bloggers take a look.

In the final video Google Search quality team member Maile Ohye becomes your personal SEO adviser.

10 SEO Videos From Google

Finding Your Site On Google

Remember getting your home page to show in results wont send traffic to your blog, you need to keep posting quality content that will get individual posts displayed.

Create Content The Will Perform Well On Google

As I said above "you need to keep posting quality content that will get individual posts displayed".

Google Webmaster Tools Message Center

Make sure to create your account on Google WebMaster Tools.

Understand Which Search Terms Are Sending Visitors To Your Site

KeyWords are something you will hear constantly as you learn SEO.They are the search terms people actually write into the search box on Google.It's very helpful to know what search terms people have typed when your blog has been returned as a result.

Crawl Errors Google May Find

Blogger have recently added the option to add a Robots.Txt file, if you are don't fully understand how it works don't edit it.In general your blog should not have any crawl errors but keep an eye out for them.

Using Social Media Can Help Your Site In Search

Google added Social signals to their algorithm Including signals from Facebook and Twitter.Google + now also plays a role and depending on the success of Google+ going forward I think it could play a larger role on how your content ranks.

Using Sitemaps To Help Google Find Your Content

As shown in the video their are a number of ways to generate a site map, this post we published shows you How to create a sitemap for your blog and submit it to Google.

How Malicious Partys Can Spam Your Site

The main concern for us Bloggers mentioned in this video is spam comments.Both Blogger and Wordpress set comments to no-follow by default so you don't need to make any changes.If you have changed your comments to do-follow its imperative you monitor comments and more importantly the links in comments.

Webspam Content Violations

Over the last year Google has made two major changes to their algorithm namely Panda update and Penguin update.These have been further steps Google take to remove low quality sites from their results.

SEO for startups in under 10 minutes

I'm 100% certain anyone that watches these videos will have learned something.Make sure to subscribe to the Google Webmaster channel on YouTube to be notified when they add new videos.

Drop Your Comments And Questions Below.

Blogger Now Allow You To Choose The Permalink For Your Blog Posts

Using SEO Keywords For More Google Search Traffic

Success SEO Guy
In some of the more recent posts i have been looking at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and making your blog better equipped for Search Engines.Google and the other leading search engines want to find and index your blog and have become very advanced at their methods but there is lots you can do to help them help you.As i mentioned before many of the blogs i visit are very poorly set up for SEO.I'm not talking about any advanced techie stuff that could go straight over your head but just basic steps anyone can take.

When you first look into Search Engine Optimization one of the terms you will constantly meet is 'Key Words'.Key Words are something all bloggers should get to grips with and try to understand.Implementing key words into your blog can have a huge effect in the performance of your blog on Google and other search engines.This also rings true when it comes to the performance of individual posts.Explaining Keywords without putting you to sleep can prove hard, the first draft of this post read like a book so here is the shortened version !

So lets start with a simple question.

What Are Keywords ?

Simply Speaking Keywords are words people type into search engines when they want to find something.

If i want a new laptop i might go to Google and type "Cheap Laptops" this is a keyword.Or if i want to improve my typing to speed up my blogging i would type "Improve My Typing Skills" this is also a keyword.

You will notice that i called each a keyword even though there are a number of words.This is just the term used, although "Improve My Typing Skills" has four words it is generally known as a single keyword.You will also hear it referred to as a "key phrase" which i think makes more sense but then i don't make the rules.

So your job is to find keywords related to your blog and individual posts that people search for.However while it would be great to rank on the first page of Google for the main keywords related to your blog the competition will be huge.It is almost imposable to make your health blog rank high for "health tips", or make your cookery blog rank high for "cookery tips" and so on.The competition for the most popular keywords is just too fierce.

Long Tail Keywords

This is where long tail keywords come into play.Long Tail keywords are longer keywords that are not as popular but are also not as competitive.Your cookery blog cold rank first for "Simple Sunday Lunch Cookery Tips", or your health blog could rank first for "New Alternative Cures For Teen Acne".

If you can find good long tail keywords related to your blog you can generate great search traffic with little competition.

Keyword Tools

You may be thinking how do i know what keywords are popular ? Well there are a number of tools that can help.Tools like the Google Keyword generator will generate a list of keywords that people have been searching for.When you type in a Popular keyword such as Cheap Laptops they will show you related long tail keywords and how popular the are.

Another neat tool is Word tracker, it works similar to the Google keyword tool.The free version will quickly generate pages of keyword suggestions.

Adding Keywords To Your Blog

When you write a post you add the keywords you generated.It is important the keywords fit with the content and are not 'Stuffed' in.Try to add the chosen keywords a few times depending on the length of the post in question.Now, it is also great if you can add your keyword or parts of the keyword to the title of the post.

If this seems like a bit too much work you can just keep keywords in mind as you blog.Simply adding some level of keywords to your posts will have a positive effect.So the next post you write if you want research the keywords you use or add some you think will work, make sure you help Google and other Search Engines help you ! Check out more of our Blogger SEO posts.

Drop Your Comments, Views And Questions Below.

Why I’m Sick Of ‘SEO Is Dying’ Posts

SEO Is Dead Grave Stone
Guest Post - Our host is Jessica, In this post Jessica gives her opinion on why SEO is not on the way out.See How To Become aprogrammingmastercoding blogs 

Every day it appears some self-appointed ‘expert’ has declared the industry of SEO dead on its knees, this time next year we’ll all be flipping burgers, stacking shelves or asking people if they’d like a copy of The Big Issue. Whilst I don’t have the advantage of having a time machine (some guy with floppy hair wearing a bow tie stole it) I think we really do have to stop with the doom and gloom before it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why Is SEO always about to die ?

The latest round of theories is citing social signals as being the death of SEO. There are several reasons why this is a load of bull pie:


In the olden days SEOs could wonder round the net grabbing all the links they could get their grubby little hands on, quantity was the name of the game and quality was pushed to the back of the priority list. We all knew this was wrong but in defence of the naive, it worked at least at the time. Whether it was through spinning low quality articles, forum spamming, directory listings or simply throwing cash about everyone wanted links. 
Now we know this isn’t the case, in fact sites with too many of these ‘unnatural links’ as Google has been calling them has caused rankings to fall and even businesses to go under. These days only original content that’s on topic carries the value needed.

Verdict: This hasn’t killed SEO, it’s made it more challenging. Links still carry a lot of weight in the ranking algorithm, the practice just needs to be re-evaluated. 

Social Signals

SEO itself is still fairly new, it’s only the graduates just coming out of college and university now that even consider the concept in their marketing courses. The rest of us are pretty much making it up as we go along as it the rest of the industry and as with anything new it’s still changing and evolving all the time and the latest evolutionary step is social media. As new as SEO is, social media is even newer, it’s come to play and it’s only fair we let it. Facebook is predominantly the second most popular website in the developed western world behind Google; anyone would be hard pressed to argue it isn’t a powerful force – so why wouldn’t the search engines take notice of it? 
The theory is that a tweet or Facebook like can have power within the ranking algorithm in the same way a link can, it’s another way for a search engine to see someone has ‘voted’ for your site. 

There is one fundamental flaw in the argument of everyone shouting ‘the social signals are coming, SEO is dead’

Google is the biggest search engine in the world, it’s the one most SEOs want to rank in. Google doesn’t actually have any social data! Yep, that’s my argument as to why most of us shouldn’t be packing our desks up just yet. 

For a long time Google has been looking over at Facebook feeling more than a little bit jealous. Facebook can’t collect all our data quick enough, it’s got data coming out its ears – valuable, precious data that Google would really like to get its hands on. The same goes for Twitter, not quite as big as Facebook but still consuming enough data every day to make Google sick. Google asked if it could come over and play, it wanted a share of that data pie but it didn’t work out and Google left feeling a little bit sulky.

What does every child who isn’t invited to the coolest parties do? Yep, Google threw its own social media part and created Google + which was going to be way cooler than Facebook and Twitter combined (you know, cus it had circles and stuff). Unfortunately all the cool kids were happy over with Facebook and Twitter and didn’t want to leave and no matter how much money Google threw at advertising it’s cool new social media platform it just couldn’t get the social engagement it needed. A year on and the only people who really use G+ are Google employees and people that have something to do with the world of online marketing. 

Enter Bing: The search engine that comes as standard with your Windows machines, the search engine that most people use only to find Google and set it as their home page. Bing might not have the market share that Google does but it has something Google would dearly love – it’s friends with both Facebook and Twitter and has access to all that lovely data. When you search on Bing you’ll see helpful little comments about your friends who liked/tweeted any search results so if you’re looking for a hotel in Oxford you can see if any of your friends have had any interaction with it and you know you’ve got a recommendation you can trust. 

So we have a catch 22 situation and this is why SEO isn’t dead:

The only search engine with enough power to use social signals doesn’t have enough sway and the only search engine with enough sway doesn’t have enough social signals to use! 

Google isn’t going to let this go, their motto is no longer ‘don’t be evil’. Their focus is on money and they’re much more transparent about it now. Assuming they don’t do something stupid to trip themselves up they’re going to be on top for a while to come but they’re not letting this social thing drop, they’re determined to do it. At the same time Bing is getting bigger and a lot of SEOs and people who understand search engines are getting sick of Google’s dominance and starting to really push Bing. At thing rate it will become a serious threat to Google. 

It doesn’t have to be today or even tomorrow but someday soon you are going to have to start looking at social signals. SEO isn’t dead but the way it used to be practiced is. It’s time to branch out and integrate with other departments. Work with the developers to create a website that offers great user experience, make sure you’re ticking all the boxes laid out by Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and work with the social team to put together a full marketing strategy. If you work for an agency that keeps all the departments segmented you need to break out. It’s more fun now, we get to be more creative, design fun and engaging content and share it with as many people as you can, basically, just don’t spam, create a website for the end user first and the search engine second and SEO in one form or another will be around for a while yet. 

Need good math to be a programmer?

Need good math to be a programmer?

I have seen the question of how much math a person needs to know in order to be a good programmer many times on the internet.  

To be a good programmer, you do need to be able to think through things logically.  Therefore, you need to be the type of person who knows that if you apply a particular algorithm, your programme will produce a particular result.  This is exactly the same as applying a particular formula in maths in order to arrive at a particular solution.  So if you are capable of thinking through math problems, you are likely to be capable of thinking through programming problems.  

There are some types of programming that do require a high level of maths such as certain game or quant programmers.   There are also certain areas of research in computer science such as artificial intelligence that also requires a good level of maths.    So if you want to work as a programmer that needs to utilise mathematical knowledge or you want to do a research degree one day, I would recommend getting a dual maths or physics with computer science undergraduate degree to provide yourself with a solid foundation to work from.

For the majority of programmers however, you do not need any maths beyond a basic level.  This is because quite simply, maths is just not used a lot.  So if you are one of those people who have no desire to study math or can program but unable to do math, this is not important.  It is only important that you are good at programming.

To be honest, the majority of the best programmers I have come across are people who can think through things logically, they like programming and they like computing in general.  This has nothing to do with their level of maths.

Is blogging for you?

Is blogging for you?

There are many different reasons why people blog.  Nevertheless, one thing you do need to be a successful blogger is to genuinely enjoy writing like you enjoy breathing fresh air. If this is you, here are some other reasons why blogging may be right for you.

You have a topic you can write about
As well as writing because you enjoy it, you also need something to write about. If you have hobbies and passions in life, then you are likely to have plenty to talk about in your blog.

You have sufficient time
Blogging along with social networking can take considerable time. You can skimp on time by blogging say, once a month and avoid doing lots of social networking but this will affect the popularity and traffic of your blog.

For instance, I personally find time my biggest hurdle for this blog.  So I do a once a month posting on average and I do hardly any social networking.  Fortunately, I still get considerable traffic every day due to the popularity of my blog with search engines.  Yet I am aware that if I spent more time on this blog, it would be a lot more successful than it is now.

You are not intimidated by technology
There are many blogging tools available these days so that you can easily avoid anything really technical. However, not being intimated by technology will help your blog immensely with the design aspects, putting keywords into your blog and so on.

You have thick skin
You need thick skin when you write a blog for two different reasons. 

The first reason to have thick skin is to be able to handle criticisms. Sometimes criticisms may be welcome constructive comments but at other times, criticisms may be unfair or unwarranted. 

The second reason to have thick skin is that it usually takes time to build up a successful blog.  Therefore you need to have thick skin to not care whether your blog is popular or not.

You want to make a little money
I very much doubt that many people will be able to give up the day job through blogging alone. However, by using adsense and affiliates you can at least earn that little bit extra.

You want to make your brand better known
A blog can promote your brand on-line.

For instance, I utilise this blog for a number of reasons and one of these is to aid in attracting potential clients by providing a background of my brand. This seems to work very well for me.

You have emotive reasons for blogging
There are myriad emotive reasons for blogging such as to voice your opinions, to help find like-minded people, to help people and so on.

Personally, I really enjoy the idea of some of my postings helping someone somewhere. It makes blogging definitely worth it.

How to put keywords into your blog

How to put keywords into your blog

Putting keywords into your Google blog is a very simple process and is important if you want your blog to be indexed in the way you want by search engines.

Here is what you need to do:

1.  Sign in to your Google blog.
2.  Select the design link of your blog.
3.  Select Edit HTML link.
4.  Underneath the <head> HTML tag, without deleting anything, enter:

     <meta content='DESCRIPTION OF YOUR BLOG'  name='description'/>
     <meta content='YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
     <meta content='YOUR NAME' name='author'/>

     For example, for my blog, I have the details for the description meta tag:

     <meta content='The Technical Author' name='description'/>

5.  Click Save.
Example of Google blog tabs showing Edit HTML link
Example of putting your HTML code in the head section
Search engines do not rely just on the keywords you enter in the head section of your blog. They also rely on the actual blog contents to make judgements of keywords too.  Therefore, when thinking of which keywords to utilise in your head section, it is worth bearing in mind that search engines will be looking for confirmation of your keywords too. The better the match, the better you will be optimising your website keywords.

If you need help with determining keywords to enter in the head section of your blog, I have written an article, tools to determine keywords for SEO, which contains resources to research this further.

If you have not already done so, I highly recommend utilising Google Webmaster Tools.  This can provide valuable information on how well your keywords are working for you, of any problems reported by the search engine spiders that regularly crawl your blog and so on.

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to provide details below and I will be happy to help.

Top 5 BuySellAds Alternative

Top 5 BuySellAds Alternative

BuySellads approval ? is you are failed in BuySellAds Approval ! its time to try some similar websites like buysellads online  advertising networks (alternatives for buysellads) .
Top 5 Similar Websites Like BuySellAds.com {Online Advertising} websites similar buysellads alternatives advertising networks

5 Similar Websites Like BuySellAds.com

1. Advertise Space (similar website like buysellads)
Top 5 Similar Websites Like BuySellAds.com {Online Advertising} websites similar buysellads alternatives advertising networks
advertise space is one of the best alternative/ similar website like buysellads advertising network.
The Easiest Self-Serve Online Advertising PlatformBuy and Sell ads on your website, blog, or iPhone app. Gain exposure by having your site featured in our premium ad buyer directory.
Link : http://www.advertisespace.com/

2.Puxee (similar website like buysellads)
Top 5 Similar Websites Like BuySellAds.com {Online Advertising} websites similar buysellads alternatives advertising networks
Puxee also one of the best advertising network.its also one of the similar website like buysellads.com .Puxee is a new up-and-coming advertising network that is hoping to fulfill all the needs of advertisers and publishers.
Link : http://www.puxee.com/
 3.Adsella (similar website like buysellads)
Top 5 Similar Websites Like BuySellAds.com {Online Advertising} websites similar buysellads alternatives advertising networks

AdSella takes 20% revenue commission and allows the subdomain blogs (Blogspot.com).its also one of the best alternative for buysellads .
Link: http://www.adsella.com/
4.Blogads (similar website like buysellads)
One of the oldest ad network. BlogAds takes 30% revenue commission. It allows the text ads and you can select out of 3 types of account depending on your blog traffic.its also one of the similar website like buysellads.
Link : http://blogads.com/
5.OIO Publisher (similar website like buysellads)
It is an another BuySellAds alternative which works in a different way. You will have to install a feature rich plugin on your blog and after that it will take care of all advertisement related issues.so this is also one of the similar website like buysellads online advertising.
Link: http://www.oiopublisher.com/
Hope you are enjoyed reading,
Source : Daily Blog Tools 

Angry Birds Season 2 Full Crack

Angry Birds Season 2 Full Crack
What is Angry Birds? 

Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile. Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for Apple's iOS in December 2009. Since that time, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple's App Store,which has prompted the company to design versions for other touchscreen-based smartphones, such as those using the Android operating system, among others.In the game, players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. As players advance through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player. Rovio Mobile has supported Angry Birds with numerous free updates that add additional game content, and the company has even released stand-alone holiday and promotional versions of the game.
Angry Birds has been praised for its successful combination of addictive gameplay, comical style, and low price. Its popularity led to versions of Angry Birds being created for personal computers and gaming consoles, a market for merchandise featuring its characters and even long-term plans for a feature film or television series. With a combined 500 million downloads across all platforms and including both regular and special editions, the game has been called "one of the most mainstream games out right now", "one of the great runaway hits of 2010", and "the largest mobile app success the world has seen so far".

I've shared Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds v.1.6.2 to you, now i will shared Angry Birds Season 2 Full Crack to you.
Angry Birds Season 2 Activation

1. Install Angry Birds Season 2
2. Copy the crack file and paste into this folder "C:\Program Files\Rovio\Angry Birds Seasons", if notification appeared click replace
3. Run Angry Birds Season 2 , and then click "activate full version"
4. Insert serial (Random/Up to you)
5. Finish
Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS Windows XP SP2
  • RAM 512MB
  • CPU 1 GHz
  • Graphic OpenGL 1.3 compatible
  • Internet Connection required for activation
Download It Here
Password = remo-xp.com 
Source : http://www.remo-xp.com/2011/11/angry-birds-seasons-2-full-crack.htm

Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger.

Hai guys, now i will share a tutorial about Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger. I have said a thousand time that, "I always visit spiceupyourbog to get inspired, and sometimes i will repost some post on spiceupyourblog". And now i got an awesome tutorial and i want to repost that tutorial on my blog, called Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger.
Do you know Sharing is sexy widget? Ya, its a great widget and useful. Now spiceupyourblog make an another version of sharing is sexy widget. Its an open slide heart social bookmarking. You can see the demo by clicking here

Add The Split Heart Bookmarking Gadget Top Your Blog

Remember guys, always backup your template before you started to editing your template.
Ok lets do it Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

1. Login to blogger - Design - Edit HTML
2. Find </head> code, you can use Ctrl + F to help you find it
3. Copy this code below before the </head> code
<!-- Start Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
<script src='http://w.sharethis.com/gallery/shareegg/shareegg.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stLight.options({publisher: &quot;ur-98d377f-bdd3-9ad1-fbe5-2a678f0a60ee&quot;, onhover:false}); </script>
<link href='http://w.sharethis.com/gallery/shareegg/shareegg.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<!-- End Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
4.  And the next tips is find this following code </body>
5. After that copy this code below, before </body>
<!-- Start Heart Share Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 2%; left: 2%;'>
<div class='shareEgg' id='shareThisShareHeart'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stlib.shareEgg.createEgg(&#39;shareThisShareHeart&#39;, [&#39;facebook&#39;,&#39;twitter&#39;,&#39;pinterest&#39;,&#39;linkedin&#39;,&#39;stumbleupon&#39;,&#39;email&#39;,&#39;sharethis&#39;], {title:&#39; <data:blog.pageTitle/>&#39;,url:&#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;,theme:&#39;shareheart&#39;});</script><a href="http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/">Blogger Wordpress Gadgets</a>
<!-- End Heart Share Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->

How to Change The Widget Position

The Gadget is currently set to be in the bottom right corner of your blog but you can easily change this. In blue above you can see bottom: 2%; left: 2%;. You can change Bottom to top for it to be at the top of the page and left to right for it to be on the right of the page. You can also change the percentages to have it further from the bottom/top and left/right.
6. Save your template
Ok thats it  Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger, you can put your question below.